Friday, February 18, 2005

People get ready!!!

Greetings in the name of our matchless Lord 'n Saviour Jesus Christ!!!
I'm here to share wat ma Lord has been speakin to me since sterdai mornin... Itz really interesting 'n very important 'n I'd request u to tak jus a few minutes 'n meditate on His words... Ma Bible passage readin for sterdai mornin was de followin,

The Spirit of the Lord told me Vs1 means, When man kind saw that the second comin of our Lord hasn't occured for al these yrs, he started indulging in every form of wickedness forsaking his Loving Creator.

I was thinkin abt the above verses thru the dai and in the evenin I received an attachment titled "The vision of the 5 angels in Patmos" as an answer to wat was goin on in ma mind... (I dunno how many of u happened to read it...) But I humble request each 'n everyone of u to kindly go thru it... Itz jus amazin!!!... In de yr 1998 a man of God was given this vision abt the end times... JESUS IS COMIN BACK... Our generation is very near to the great dai of Judgement... PEOPLE GET READY... There's no time to delay... <>... Itz time v start settin things right in our lives... Letz us b prepared lik thos 5 wise virgins to meet the Lion of Judah any minute!

When Moses saw that the Lord's people have greatly sinned, he was troubled and he stood in the gap for the people in front of the Lord... Ma beloved in de Lord, wen v see our collegues, our friends, our family members, this wicked nation 'n the world in wide, do we have this burden?!!... Vs19 sayz Moses anger burned when he saw the people dancin infront of the calf... When the community around is dancing to the Devil's tunes is out heart troubled?!!...

Beloved in the Lord, let choose to b on the Lord's side... We'v got a great commission before us... Plz don't take this lightly... We need to prepare the way for the comin of our King of Kings!!!... Friends, I'v fail to do this (God forbid!), Jesus said,

<<"Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away frm you and given to a people who will produce its fruit." Matt 21:43>>
<<"As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you or forsake you." Josh 1:5>>

I pray that the Spirit of Lord will reveal to each one of you the Hope of your calling! He who has ears to hear let him hear.

<<"Yes, I am coming soon." Rev 22:20>>

With luv 'n prayers,



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